Today our Pastor spoke about the one sheep that was lost and how the shepherd left the 99 sheep safe in the corral to go find the lost one. That is our God. He will not stop searching until He brings YOU safely home to Him.
Here is what I want to share with my family and anyone else God brings to this blog.
When we are born, we have no desire to follow God. The Bible says that we have ALL gone our own way (Isaiah 53:6) because we are ALL sinners (Romans 3:23)....and the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23).
While we were doing our own thing, which leads to death, God made a plan to save us from that death (eternity without God). We were not even aware of our horrible future, so we were not seeking God or His solution.
But I am so glad that God sought me out!!!
God made sure that my closest friends were Christians who were leading me in the right direction toward Him. I went to church with them and learned of God's love for me. I learned that God loved ME so much that He sent his Son to die for me (John 3:16). I had the head knowledge but really didn't have a relationship with God.
One day after school, on a public high school bus, a Christian friend asked me if I ever prayed to God asking Him to save me from the wages of sin (Hell - eternity without God) and make Him Lord of my life? I had never done that. I knew God loved me, but I hadn't actually asked Him to save me and be the Lord of my life. My friend led me in a prayer where I admitted that I was a sinner and asked forgiveness for my sins. I then asked God to save me and be the Lord of my Life. I wanted God to guide me on the narrow path to a Godly life and to a home in Heaven with Him someday.
My eternity was settled that day!
My path changed from a horrendous forever in Hell to a peaceful happiness in Heaven
I hadn't been a bad person. I didn't drink, do drugs, or do any other major sinful things. The worst I did was make life miserable for my immediate family when I threw my tantrums. And I am not talking about the terrible two's. I am talking about the teenage tantrums. I was not a nice person during that time. When I prayed that prayer on the bus, things drastically changed for the better.
God did a miracle in me!
My tantrums stopped and I tried to make amends with those closest to me. They noticed the change in me, but it took awhile before my sisters would trust that I truly had changed. I had hurt them with my meanness. My parents had been extremely frustrated since they didn't know how to help me.
Then God gave me a desire for Him and for what He had planned for my future. A future where I didn't have to hate myself for being such a mean person. I felt a peace and freedom I had never experienced before. I was free to let Jesus' light shine through me.

I am eternally thankful for God's love for me!!!
God loves You just as much and wants
a relationship with YOU!
Our time on earth is so minute compared to our time in eternity.
The choices we make here on earth will effect the quality of our eternity.
*** This post is getting long. I will share more on this topic later this week.
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