
Friday, August 31, 2018

Rise Above the Ploys of Satan

I know I need positive in my life everyday.  It is something I learned long ago when I started to let Satan get me down with depression.  I had to keep Satan out of my thoughts, so I made sure that I was reading the Bible to get encouragement and instruction from God (my heavenly Father, Creator, and friend).  I also had to make sure that everything that entered my mind through my eyes or ears were encouraging as well.  I soaked up the words of many books written by some of my favorite Christian authors and soared above the pit of depression with uplifting Christian music.  Those that know me well know that music is a humongous part of my life.  I have a couple radio stations that give me that uplift everyday.  If you are interested in "uplift" in your life listen to these radio stations.

There are many Christian musicians that can help you stay positive, but I would like to highlight a group that was at our church recently.  They are a family, a dad and his two sons, who sing country and blue grass Christian songs.  The harmonies are beautiful and the love they have to share needs to be spread throughout our country and the world.  Take a listen:  

Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page where you can watch the videos of some of their songs. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

God is So Good!!!

God has a plan for each one of his children.  When we are exactly where he wants us, we will know.  If we are truly seeking God's will, we will find it.  To me, what I am about to share, is a miracle in my eyes.  God worked out every detail and looking back I can see it clearly.

My whole life I have worked with kids, in daycare centers, schools, at home, churches, and tutoring facilities.  That has always been my passion.  After going to college to become a teacher I taught three years at a local public high school before I stayed home to raise my kids.  I homeschooled my 5 children for 9 years before we put them into a charter school.  I then went back into the workforce as a paraprofessional at the charter school.  About halfway through my 9 years as a paraprofessional our financial situation changed and a life-changing event happened that turned our world upside down.  (I will probably share about that life-changing event in a later post.)  I tried to hang on to my job at the charter school because it was where I really felt God wanted me.  It never felt like a job since I loved it so much.  I loved making a difference in those kids' lives.  But the financial burden kept growing and I took on a second job as a tutor to help supplement our income.  We finally hit a point where we could no longer make ends meet and I had to start looking for one job that was year-round that could meet our financial needs.

God supplied another job working in an office answering phones and scheduling appointments for a local heating & cooling company.  It was quite an adjustment since it was something I had never done before.  I know God puts us in certain places in order to fulfill His plan so I kept watching for how God was going to use me.  I quietly lived my Christian life in front of them.  I would let them also know that I was praying for them when they were going through struggles.  A few times I even shared my opinion on Biblical issues.   Then a God-thing happened.  One of my co-workers, who was a total opposite of me and my beliefs, went through a huge struggle in her life.  I let her know that I was praying for her.  Then God asked me to do more.  God placed it on my heart to visit her at the hospital when her husband was admitted.  I knew I needed to go, but I didn't want to.  It was the weekend and I was busy.  But when Sunday rolled around, I felt such a burden to go.  I could no longer ignore God's tug.  I went and was greeted with unabashed hugs.  She was so glad to see someone from work that was willing to leave their day-to-day normalcy and step into her world of emotional anguish.  And she was even open to me praying with her before I left.  God planned another encounter for us when my son needed surgery and her husband was hospitalized again.  Imagine the chances of having us at another hospital at the exact same time.  I say providence...not coincidence.  This time things moved to another level.  Once we knew that we were both going to be there at the same time we made sure to connect.  We prayed together and she also let me know that both she and her husband had recently accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  Imagine the joy in my heart!  What a moment of tears and joy.  God did the work in their hearts and I had a front row seat to the whole thing.  God allowed me to be a part in their spiritual journey and I got to see their growth in the years to come.  

God allowed me to continue sharing my quiet faith at this company for a total of ten years.   In the past year I had been praying for God to clearly show me if there was something more I should be doing.  With the goal of hearing, "Well done good and faithful servant" at the end of my time here on earth, I began to do some serious soul searching.  I then began experiencing more and more stress at the heating & cooling company as the year unfolded.  Around April of this year, I earnestly started asking God for a clear sign of where He wanted me.  I needed it to be so clear that there would be no doubt.  I thought He would show me where I was supposed to go to do His work, but instead He clearly showed me that I needed to leave the heating & cooling company.  When July rolled around I was experiencing so much stress that I started to have anxiety and chest pains.  Definitely a very clear sign.  I knew I had to act upon God's extremely apparent signs, but I had no clear direction of a new job.  My parents had ingrained in me that you never quit one job before you have another one lined up.  This was the time to trust God to lead me again like He had so many times before.  I knew God was going to come through.  If He was showing me that I needed to leave this job, then I knew without a shadow of a doubt that He would provide another one.

Five days after my extreme anxiety and chest pains I gave my three weeks notice.  At that moment I felt a huge weight fall off my shoulders.  I no longer had the anxiety or chest pains; they were absolutely all gone!  I started to feel joy again!  For a short moment I wondered if I should stay since I was feeling better, but I knew that if God gave me those signs, then I could not stay.   During those last three weeks I began to get my resume out there and was confident that God would lead me to the exact place for Him to shine through me.   I had no doubt it would happen.  

My last day came on August 10th and still no job, but I did have an interview lined up at a school.  That did not pan out and I continued applying to schools in the area.  I still had no doubt that a job would be in my near future because God knows our needs.  I had such a peace about the whole situation that I began to relax and just enjoy my much needed vacation.  I could really get used to retirement.  😉  Two weeks passed and the school year was about to begin; I must admit that I was a little worried and started to apply for other types of jobs as well.  If God hadn't provided a school job by the time school was starting, then it must not be where He wanted me.   I just had to put my resume out there and see what God would bring my way. 

Last Sunday (Aug. 26th) a friend at church, who worked at a charter school, said she received an email saying they still needed paraprofessionals...and school was starting the next day.  I got really excited.  God was giving me another sign.   I went in Monday morning and talked to the principal.  He loved my extensive background working with children and asked when I could start.  I went back the next day for more questions and discussion about the job I would be performing.  I got the official offer that afternoon and I accepted.   I still have some paperwork to fill out and fingerprinting, and all the other good stuff needed to work with children.   My much needed vacation will come to an end next Tuesday when I become an interventionist paraprofessional at a local charter school.

I can look back over all these experiences in my life and see that God is so so good!!!  He has guided me each step of the way and I will reap the joy and blessings of following His lead.  This is my miracle!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Miracle of John 3:16

Watch this video ....Our lives are so much more that what we do.

Tim Tebow shares the miracle of John 3:16.

We can not  always see what God is working out in our lives as we live it out.  We think we are just going to work or school each day, but God is working miracles through us.  We just need to let Jesus shine through us and God will do the rest.

Our God is so BIG that we can't even comprehend the power that he has to work in our lives and the lives around us.  Tim's speech on the video inspired me.  There is more to me than what I do each day.  As long as I am obeying God, God will work the miracles.

I will share more tomorrow about a miracle that God is working in my life right now.  It is exciting and is bringing so much joy back into my life.  We can all count on that joy when we listen to that still small voice of our creator.  Be still and know that He is God!

                                                       Be Still and Know That I AM God

Monday, August 27, 2018

Don't Doubt

If Satan can get us to doubt God and His love, then Satan has an easy time of destroying our faith and hope...and our happiness.  That is his strategy.  He will do anything to keep us from the love of God. If we are not filling our mind with God's Word, then Satan can get that foothold into our life.  He will cause us to doubt our spouse's love, doubt our worth as a person, doubt that our opinion is good enough to be heard, doubt that God can even love a person who has committed an awful crime or done drugs, and the list can go on.  Satan will use anything to pull us down and to not trust in God's love for us.

We need to WAKE UP to Satan's ploys.  We are good enough!  We are God's creation!  We are worth God's love!  When you feel that doubt creeping in, just go to Romans 5:8 in the Bible.

             "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were 
               still sinners, Christ died for us."

Let that sink in.  God had His son die on the cross for sinners like us.  Jesus agreed to God's plan and died on the cross for us.  God did this for everyone that has ever walked the face of this earth.  Jesus died for me and you.

If you ever doubt God's love for you....visit the cross.  Just imagine what Jesus went through for us.  I am truly humbled and thankful that God loved me that much.

We are beautiful in God's sight.  That should give us great joy and happiness, which we can spread to those we meet each day.  You may never know that the joy you exude may make a life-changing difference in someone's life.

Here's another song that I love that has a great message.

Beautiful by MercyMe

Sunday, August 26, 2018

New Adventure

Hi everyone,
I have started a new adventure of finding out God's plan for me in this time of my life. I am getting close to a new milestone in my life and want to make the best use of my time on this earth.  I know that what is done for Christ is what will last.

It is so easy to just get busy with work, home, and church and not consider what more God may have for me.  That keeps me busy enough...right?  It sure does, but is there something more that God wants me to do?  I have always wanted to write and have actually started a few other blogs about our family, but now my theme is more ministry-minded.

I will share more of what God puts on my mind as the days go by, but for now here is a song that has been laid on my heart.  I want to be different...I want to be changed....
"Different" by Micah Tyler